Ami Radunskaya, Yasi Poursamad, and Sili
Friday 21 April 2023
This event is free and open to the public
Support for this program has been provided by The Sachs Program for Arts Innovation, the Department of Music of the University of Pennsylvania, EMEAPP, and MUSICA PRACTICA / ELETTRONICA VIVA
Ami Radunskaya
Looking For Joy
for cello and dynamical system
Ami Radunskaya (for whom the “Sili Con..” piece was written) will give a talk introducing some general concepts used in her work (she’s a mathematician working on chaos), and then perform her piece called “Looking for Joy.” Radunskaya has a series of related pieces and names them according to how she is feeling in that general time period. For example, there is an iteration called “Dangerous Passions.” This presentation will feature dynamical systems computed in real time in the form of sound and video.
Yasi Poursamad
Sili Con Clarinet (Don Buchla)
“Sili Con Clarinet” is a duo improvisation between Yasi Poursamad and a machine called Sili. Don Buchla wrote the piece and built Sili to perform its part. This duo improvisation between acoustic instrumentalist and autonomous electronic instrument begins after the preformance of 7 notated phrases. Written for Ami Radunskaya by Don Buchla.

Among Ami Radunskaya’s areas of expertise are mathematical modeling of tumor growth and treatment, dynamical systems and analysis of non-linear models of power systems. She is the President of the EDGE (Enhancing Diversity in Graduate Education) Foundation. EDGE is a national program designed to increase the number of women students, particularly minority women, successfully completing graduate programs in the mathematical sciences.
As a former president of the Association for Women in Mathematics (2017-2019), one of her goals is to build community between all types of mathematicians by supporting a unified network of members, and by paying attention to the needs of all members. Aspiring mathematicians don’t all have equal access to research opportunities, graduate school, internships, post-docs, jobs and recognition. As AWM President, she works within the association and with other groups to facilitate access to opportunities in mathematics. She hopes that the organization can use its collective strength to build and support a diverse mathematical community.
In 2014, she was featured in the independent film, The Empowerment Project: Ordinary Women Doing Extraordinary Things, a documentary that spotlighted positive and powerful women who are excelling in traditionally male-dominated fields as role models for young women beginning their careers.

Yasi Poursamad studied speech and hearing with John Ohala and Erv Hafter and then worked for Don Buchla for ten years building musical instruments. The only piece they’ve performed written by someone they didn’t know is Jerry Hunt’s Sur John Dee (1966).